Capital Technical Rescue
More Information:
Capital Technical Rescue and Safety Consultants, LLC (CTR) was formed in 2006 to serve the needs of emergency response personnel whose job duties specifically task them with performing a variety of technical rescue disciplines. These responders have come from a variety of agency types including: federal and municipal public sector emergency services as well as private industry emergency response teams and fire brigades.
The primary staff of CTR has been working and teaching together for over 25 years, prior to the formation of the company. Their backgrounds vary from volunteer to career firefighters and fire officers, emergency medical technicians to paramedics, and emergency responses from the smallest local incident to natural disasters and terrorist attacks that have had a global impact.
Previous and current CTR contracts have included teaching technical rescue courses from 6 to over 350 students, with scheduled completion ranging from a single day to over the course of several months. This flexibility has allowed our clients to minimize overtime expenses and ensure that production or response is negligibly impacted. This is also true for our industrial clients and has led us to be one of the most experienced groups of standby rescuers.
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