Maintain your ability and update your knowledge in order to thoroughly examine items of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) for protection against falls from height in the role of a competent person.
1 Day
7 Hrs

The objectives of this module are: To thoroughly examine PPE using the Petzl protocol, to identify any defects and damage which would result in the item being removed from service, and to complete inspection reports effectively.
- Understanding the changes in legislation and the current requirements regarding the control of PPE for protection against falls from height.
- Presentation of technical evolutions regarding the construction of PPE, and how these may affect their periodic examinations.
- Exchanges and sharing of examination experiences with other students.
- Presentation and use of Petzl’s examination protocol.
- Pre-use checks, special inspections, thorough examinations, signs and symptoms, significance of any defects, criteria for removal from service.
- Designated persons, those with a responsibility for carrying out thorough examinations of PPE, who have already successfully completed the Petzl Solution Module VAX 014 or VAX 003 – Thorough examination of PPE for protection against falls from height.
- Practical experience within the field of verticality, and with relevant fall protection equipment
- To have followed and successfully completed the Petzl Solution Module VAX 014 or VAX 003 – Thorough examination of PPE for protection against falls from height.
Learning support and certification:
- Technical documents and module workbook.
- Certificate of attendance.
- Continual assessment and written test.
- Place: Petzl Technical Institutes
- Duration: 1 day (7 hours).